Give Goats to Vulnerable Families

APV help Rwandan weavers or other vulnerable peoples help themselves out of poverty by giving the gift of goats. Goats are a valuable asset for families and communities around the world, but many people cannot afford them. Goats in Rwanda are kept on a small scale by the peasants as goat rearing does not require a lot of resources. Goats …

Rwanda Women Empowerment

Rwanda women have demystified the long-held patriarchal view that women cannot do it as their male counterparts. It is in this regards, Rwanda women need to be empowered, this needs clarity of leadership to enhance their confidence, skills, resilience, to overcome cultural and traditional limitations. This is also where Association for promotion of vulnerables (A.P.V) stands in.

Help Rwandan Children To Get Access To Education

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Without facilities, children can drop the schools and start engaging in bad behaviours which can spoil their futures. There APV is keen to work with Rwanda Government       Staff of APV donating school materials to Jurwe pupils in Gasabo district Who dropped …